
Vets Instagram Case Study 

12 July 2018  
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If you’re looking for a case study on how to do Instagram right for a veterinary practice, look no further than NOAH Vets.

We consulted, implemented, then provided training for the vets staff on how to do Instagram to get the best results.

Initially the vet’s Instagram was piecemeal and periodic, and was looked after by one passionate and enthusiastic member of staff.  But you’ve got to be consistent with social media if you are going to get results.  You’ve also got to be clear on the audience, and give them what they want.  For NOAH vets, we decided to target consumers (pet owners) on Instagram, and to share good news stories of pets going home and behind-the-scenes action.

  • We introduced Instagram Stories and carried out much testing to see what kind of content worked best to maximise impressions, and minimise the story exits metrics.

Stories content is less styled than the grid, and shows the team and the animals under their care in a more relaxed setting.

  • We use the grid on Instagram to post more stylised images of the animals and again, a lot of testing, showed us which pose and background works the best to get those picture likes.Every pic tells a story and we adhere to Instagram captioning best practice, ie. keep it short up top, tell a story or ask a question, use the right amount of hashtags, location, and always be engaging.
  • Training has been provided to several members of the team on how to do Instagram, Stories, and tell the back story of the pets, the practice and the team.

Sharing the responsibility for Instagram amongst more than one committed team member is a good thing; plus it’s fun and introduces some healthy competition as to who does the best Instagramming.


If you are a business trying to come to terms with the upsurge in interest in Instagram (possibly just after you’ve got Facebook right? ????), talk to us.  We can help you to come up with the right approach for Instagram, tried and tested to get results, before handing over to your team in the form of Instagram training.

Or maybe you’d like to go straight to Instagram training?  We’ve got an online course that covers everything you need to know for just €99.

Get in touch. Let’s have a conversation. Whatever your business, whatever your marketing challenge, Brightspark can help.  We’ve been providing digital marketing solutions for our clients for 15 years. No problem too big or small.

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