
Q&A On a Whole New Level: Quora 

20 April 2015  
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There is no such thing as a stupid question

Something we all know to be true, but do you still go to Google with them? What if I told you there was a place where you can go to get those answers, big or small, from real-life experts?

Quora is a fast-growing platform where users share knowledge on everything from serious theories to how to set up a Twitter account. It has an incredible variety of interesting questions, you can find yourself jumping from link to link of interesting-ness.

quora question

crazy quora question

crazy quora question
We have been on Quora for some time now and have watched it grow from a niche community of intellectuals and truth-seekers to a vibrant hub of shared information. And it’s not just us. Slate has a whole Quora section of hand-picked answers it thinks will interest readers.


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It would be easy for Quora to be a stream of information, with some irrelevant content that is confusing to navigate. But its functionality means high quality content is easy to find and engagement is heavily encouraged. Users can up-vote answers they deem accurate or helpful which flags them as high quality.


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There are tools you can use to follow question’s threads, save good answers and drafts answers of your own. With Quora, you never have to let something pass you by because you’re too busy to give it your full attention. You can follow certain topics and users so that the content you see is tailored to your interests, and it’ll email you when interesting answers have been posted.

Quora is going to get bigger…

Quora has now moved beyond early adopters into the majority, and I would suggest that this year we’re going to see more brands and large companies using the site. Even Mark Zuckerberg has an account although he has yet to answer any questions.

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Check it out yourself and see if it would fit in with your B2B marketing strategy.

I love the egalitarian nature of Quora, the fact that you can request people to answer your questions, it’s kind of like an unconference for questions (if you know what I mean!).  It encourages knowledge-sharing, rewards expertise and grows bigger by the day. Next time you’re searching for an answer to a question and you’re finding Google search results aren’t giving you what you need, jump over to Quora and you’ll have your question answered.  Quora is the antidote to ads led search engine results, and it includes the human element with its expert point of view.

If you wish to establish yourself or your business as a thought leader, get on Quora now, while it’s still fresh relatively untouched.

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