
Irish Inflation Calculator That Understands You! 

25 March 2015  
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Do You Understand Inflation?

Since we wrapped up our latest project for Publicpolicy.ie, I think it’s safe to say we all do here! CSO figures notoriously double and triple count lots of elements, so that the reported inflation rates don’t represent the true cost of living mean for Irish people.

Naturally,Publicpolicy.ie wanted to address this.

Inflation 1

The idea is simple – just input a few details about what you spend your money on and the inflation calculator will show you if your cost of living has gone up or down.

Like all our work with Publicpolicy, this Irish content marketing microsite is bright and fun.
We wanted people to feel comfortable answering our questions, so we distilled it down to just 8 of them.

Inflation 2

Even though this Irish content marketing microsite is about economics, it still has a little humour built in!

The Results

All of the results are distilled into one page.  You can see whether the things you spend your money on have gone up or down over the past few years. You can also compare yourself to the national average.


Inflation 3

Inflation 4


And look! We invite you to anonymously submit your results. This information will go towards compiling some interesting portraits of different Irish personas. No more vague CSO averages! Here’s to Publicpolicy.ie for casting more light on the real cost of living in Ireland. 

And if you’re sitting on data that is crying out to be converted in visual awesomeness, give us a call!


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