If you’re new to WhatsApp Business, take note of this advice on how to keep the noise down. As with all social networks, you are in control of your experience, so here are my top 4 tips on how to reduce the noise from your WhatsApp experience.
How To Minimise WhatsApp Interruption
While the media are all talk about Tik Tok and how it’s sweeping the globe, they’ve got to write stories that sell. The real news that you and I know, because we are living and breathing proof of it, is that WhatsApp is the #1 app of the moment!
Whenever I ask for a show of hands at talks I give on social media, there are varying responses on Insta, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but the one that has the most hands swinging in the air is WhatsApp.
Think of it: you are probably in Groups with family members, there might be sub threads for your favourite family members (!), you’re probably in numerous groups for clubs, sports, and school stuff.
And increasingly I’m finding it is the number 1 app for work. We use it to easily share video and images. It’s so easy because everyone has it. I don’t have to convince clients to sign up to use it. We use desktop WhatsApp to ping links and to chat (so long Skype!).
Because WhatsApp is used by all, it transcends Slack, Teams, and all those other tools. So with all of that in mind, here’s my gift to you:
How To Stay Sane On WhatsApp – By Managing The Noise
Here’s our top 4 tips on how to keep the noise from WhatsApp to a manageable level – if you know of any more, do please let me know.