
From Blogs to Bebo 

20 April 2007  
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Last night I spoke at a PRII event, along with Mark Tarbett of Generator, and Ronnie Simpson of Simpson FTPR. The title of the event was ‘From Blogs to Bebo’ and my bit was a hands-on show and tell about blogs, news readers, video blogs, and video content. I love this kind of thing because it allows me to show interested people many of the things I love online.

Mark spoke about the opportunity presented by Bebo and about user generated content in general. Did you know that Bebo get about a million kids using it every day? The stats he quoted for daily page impressions was enough to make my eyes water. He was very open and upfront about the cost of a commercial spot on the home page, and it seems quite egalitarian in terms of how it’s priced out. It’s a flat fee per week. I’d suggest to anyone looking at Bebo to choose your weeks well, obviously leaving and junior cert weeks aren’t going to be as successful as say, mid term breaks and the holidays.

Ronnie made a very good point when he said that he’s been working in PR for 30 years and in that time, nothing really much has changed – until now. Ronnie believes that for PR people to be doing their jobs successfully, they’ve got to ensure their client’s messages are searchable and that means being on Google. Whether that’s achieved through search engine optimisation, blogs, Bebo, online advertising, it cannot be overlooked any longer.

Now for anyone who was there – here’s your chance to leave a comment. . . I’d love to hear from you. And you will be creating a 1 way link back to your own site!

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  1. Hi Maryrose,

    Congratulations on your presentation last night. I found it fascinating and your comments about the future of video content were very thought provoking. You made it all look so easy and achievable that I have every intention of setting up my own blog by day-end!

    Thanks for your input.

  2. Hi Mary Rose

    Thanks for your insightful and very clcear presentation yesterday.

    We at Thinkhouse have been using social networking for some time now and have found both Bebo & Myspace incredibly useful & powerful in creating brand conversations.

    THey are also great platforms for events, and using the myspace as an invitation list is not just instant, but also enviornmentally friendly – no last minute print jobs, furious stamp licking, and frantic envelope stuffing…… we have also found Second Life http://www.secondlife.com interesting and opened a virtual version of our agency in second life in October 2006…

    With new media, our challenge is 2fold : 1 – evaluating it. (we plan on learning all about that at a conference in LA in a few weeks) http://www.Communitelligence.com and 2 – trying convince clients about the power of new media. To quote my ‘favourite’ transport company: ‘we’re not there yet, but we’re getting there..’

    Again – thanks for last night. it was great!

    a few projects on the go for the last few years include:

  3. Thanks everyone for your feedback.

    Sheila: give us a shout if you run into difficulties with wordpress. Although given that it’s Friday I don’t think I’ll be much use to you after about 7pm!

    Jane: I’d love to hear how you get on at that conference. Maybe we could meet up for a coffee after it – I could share with you all my learnings from Reboot (http://reboot.dk) which I can’t wait for.

    Cheers guys.
    I will be sending on my links to you early next week.

  4. It’s refreshing to see the mainstream Irish PR industry accepting the prominence of social media over the age-old Press Release media management process.

    For two years, I’ve listened to Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson articulate the ideas mentioned at the PRII event and now think there could be a meaningful upstream global conversation about effective techniques for making social media that works.

  5. I thought your presentation was BRILIANT.

    I really enjoyed it, found it a great introduction to the area and it really got me thinking about using the area, or even writing comments on a few other people’s blogs!!

    So here goes 🙂

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